The Art and Technique of Chrome Stripping in CNC Machining(fillet engineering Kama)

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Chrome stripping is a crucial step in the process of CNC machining that involves removing chrome plating from various metal surfaces. This technique allows for the reconditioning, repair, or modification of components to enhance their functionality and appearance. In this article, we will delve into the complexities of chrome stripping in CNC machining and explore its significance in manufacturing processes.

Understanding CNC Machining:

CNC (Computer Numerical Control) machining refers to the automated control of machine tools using programmed commands encoded on punched tape or memory cards. It enables precise and efficient manufacturing by controlling various aspects such as cutting speed, tool positioning, and feed rates. With CNC machining, complex designs can be easily replicated with high accuracy, making it an indispensable tool in numerous industries like automotive, aerospace, and electronics.

The Role of Chrome Plating:

Chrome plating, also known as chromium electroplating, provides excellent corrosion resistance, hardness, and aesthetic appeal to parts and components in CNC machining. It enhances durability, minimizes wear and tear, and offers an attractive finish. However, there are instances where the existing chrome plating needs to be removed either due to damage, imperfections, or the need for surface modifications.

Chrome Stripping Process:

1. Surface Preparation:
Before commencing the chrome stripping process, thorough cleaning and degreasing of the component's surface are essential. Any contaminants or oils must be removed to ensure proper adhesion of the stripping solution.

2. Choosing the Stripping Method:
There are several methods available for chrome stripping, including chemical stripping, thermal stripping, abrasive blasting, and electrochemical stripping. Each method has its own advantages and considerations based on factors such as component material, size, complexity, and desired outcome.

3. Chemical Stripping:
Chemical stripping involves immersing the chrome-plated object into a suitable stripping solution that effectively dissolves the chrome layer. The stripping solution commonly comprises a mixture of acids, alkalis, or proprietary chemicals. Care must be taken to select the appropriate solution based on the type and thickness of the chrome plating.

4. Thermal Stripping:
Thermal stripping involves subjecting the chrome-plated component to high temperatures to break down the bond between the chrome layer and the substrate. This method is often preferred for larger components as it eliminates the need for immersion in chemicals.

5. Abrasive Blasting:
Abrasive blasting utilizes abrasive particles propelled at high speed to mechanically remove the chrome layer from the surface. This technique is useful for intricate parts and hard-to-reach areas since it ensures uniform removal without causing damage to the underlying material.

6. Electrochemical Stripping:
Electrochemical stripping employs controlled electricity flow through an electrolytic bath to dissolve and strip away the chrome layer. It offers precision and control over the stripping process while minimizing damage to the adjacent material.

Post-Chrome Stripping:

After successful chrome stripping, thorough rinsing and cleaning of the component are crucial to remove any residual chemical or abrasive particles. Depending on the desired outcome, additional treatments such as polishing, buffing, or reapplying a different coating can further enhance the appearance and functionality of the component.


Chrome stripping plays a vital role in CNC machining by offering the flexibility to repair damaged parts, modify surfaces, or restore components to their original condition. Through careful preparation and selection of the appropriate stripping method, manufacturers can effectively remove chrome plating without compromising the integrity of the underlying material. With its ability to breathe new life into worn-out components, chrome stripping continues to be an essential step in enhancing the durability and aesthetics of products across various industries. CNC Milling